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battery powered trackless coil transfer cart

The battery powered trackless coil transfer cart is a trackless material handling cart, which means that the cart can be moved on concrete floors without the need to install tracks. battery powered trackless coil transfer cart transfer cart has at least two casters that allow for 360 degree motorized rotation without any damage to the floor. It is powered by battery, so it can rotate freely without any ropes. The battery powered trackless coil transfer cart is controlled by push buttons and speed controls for forward and reverse, left and right turns. PLC control system can also be added to achieve full automation.

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More Coil Transfer Cart

When we buy battery powered material coil transfer cart for industry, we should not only look at the price of battery powered material coil transfer cart for industry, but also look at the battery powered material coil transfer cart for industry own characteristics and role, and whether the car is suitable for work in their own work environment, today to give you the main introduction to battery powered material coil transfer cart for industry The characteristics of itself.
1、Load weight delivery: battery powered material coil transfer cart for industry is committed to the delivery of design solutions for goods, the role of the delivery, operation spacing beyond 60 meters, must lift the row of wire to assist the coiled wire.
2、Lift: battery powered material coil transfer cart for industry is available according to the customer must add hydraulic press, mechanical equipment and other lift equipment, in the original basic to achieve the role of the lift.
3, coiled wire electric flat car tipping: battery powered material coil transfer cart for industry whether according to the customer must increase the hydraulic machine, machinery and equipment such as tipping equipment, in the original basically to achieve the role of tipping.
4、Cabinet countertop tilting: battery powered material coil transfer cart for industry can add rollers, rollers and other equipment according to the customer’s need, to achieve the original basic cylinder class steel rotation and planar figure class steel linear in the role of moving.
Perfect Transfer Cart can be designed according to the user’s needs to fit your coil rail flatbed cart, reducing the user’s investment costs, we have professional technical, customer and after-sales personnel, can quickly solve the problem for you.