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Field Cases of Unpowered Transfer Cars in India

Main Parameters of Non-powered Transfer Car

Load capacity: 1T
Tabletop size mm:2000×2200mm
Power supply: custom unpowered
Special requirements: low table tops with rails

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Main Parameters of Non-powered Transfer Car

Load capacity: 1T

Tabletop size mm:2000×2200mm

Power supply: custom unpowered

Special requirements: low table tops with rails


Client Company Profile

The client is a manufacturer of hydraulic equipment and produces various hydraulic equipment for some large enterprises all year round


Main technical requirements

The transfer carriage requires no power and the table is very strong because of the high local forces and the need to be able to pull both front and rear


Brief description of the project

The customer has no special requirements for the transfer vehicle, it is sufficient to be able to use the handling machine normally.


Customer Feedback

We have special needs for transfer trolley, the existing transfer trolley in the market is not very matching for us, so finally, we choose to cooperate with Perfect Transfer Cart Company for professional customization service, completely according to the actual requirements of our factory for customization service, finally we customized the non-powered transfer trolley and the height of the table is also lower than the general height of the table, after these two months of operation in the workshop, we are very satisfied. After two months of operation in the workshop, we are very satisfied, and it is already beautiful scenery inside our factory. The overall operational efficiency is also very high, and safety is also guaranteed.

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