Home » Projects » Trackless Industrial Transfer Trolley

Trackless Industrial Transfer Trolley

Trackless Industrial Transfer Trolley main parameters

Weight capacity: 5t

Tabletop size mm: 4000x1500x500mm

Power supply method: battery power

Special requirements: none

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Trackless Industrial Transfer Trolley main parameters

Weight capacity: 5t

Tabletop size mm: 4000x1500x500mm

Power supply method: battery power

Special requirements: none


Company Profile

The customer’s plant is divided into different projects: manufacturing of distribution switchgear and control equipment; manufacturing of power electronic components; manufacturing of metal wire rope and its products; manufacturing of hardware products; manufacturing of electrical equipment; manufacturing of metal materials; sales of distribution switchgear and control equipment; sales of power electronic components; sales of electrical equipment; wholesale of hardware products; and metal wire rope and its products.


Main technical requirements

Size: 4000x1500x500mm


Brief description of the project

Trackless Industrial Transfer Trolley, remote control, battery-powered, audible and visual alarm, far infrared stop on encounter, can go forward, backward, left turn, right turn, 360° rotation in place.

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